Ways to cope with symptoms of menopause

Ways to cope with symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a period that is signaled by a stop in menstrual cycles or periods for the duration of 12 months consecutively. It is usually experienced by women between the age of 45 and 55 and it signifies that they can no longer become pregnant naturally. However, the symptoms of menopause can also appear at an earlier age.

The condition of menopause can lead to an array of symptoms such as stress, insomnia, mood swing, weight gain and hot flashes etc. These can cause a lot of discomfort in the day to day life. That said, there are certain ways in which one can cope with the side effects of this difficult period.

How to cope with menopause symptoms?
Medical treatment may not be needed for most symptoms of menopause. But specific tips or even home remedies have been passed down from generation to generation to help a woman through it.


  • Meditate: Spare fifteen minutes of your busy schedule for meditation. This can help you calm down, focus better and feel better.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activities can usually help in the reduction of stress. You can go for walks, take up swimming or participate actively in household chores that require ample movements.
  • Set goals: List out various activities and things that matter most and things which you wish to accomplish. It might be learning a new language or focusing on your craft hobby. You will always feel better
  • Medication: In severe cases of stress and anxiety, consult doctors. Based on the symptoms of your stress, doctors may prescribe stress or anxiety relief medicines

Hot flashes

  • Dress in layers:  If you feel sudden hot flashes, you can take off a few layers to feel cool
  • Adopt breathing techniques : Try to breathe deeply and slowly. Due to the controlled breathing, hot flashes will become less frequent and shorter
  • Drink plenty of water : If you are sweating excessively, the regular consumption of water can help regulate the body temperature
  • Avoid hot places: If you prone to hot flashes, avoid activities like sunbathing or don’t venture outdoors at noon time
  • Medication: Medicines like estrogen can offer relief from the hot flashes caused by menopause. Other medicines such as antidepressants also prove to be helpful in getting relief. Further, you can also resort to black cohosh, vitamin E and yam phytoestrogen to combat hot flashes, after consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid eating hot and spicy foods


  • Keep your bedroom cool: Use heavy shades, fans, and AC to keep your room cool so that you get a good night’s sleep.
  • Meditate: Create a habit to meditate before bed. This ensures a cool and calm mind; thus ensuring a comfortable sleep.
  • Take a warm bath : Baths can regulate the temperature of your body and help you to cool down before you hit the bed.
  • Medication : Sedatives are not a permanent solution for insomnia and are often ill-advised. You can take estrogen supplements to keep your sleeping pattern normal. You can also try CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure to get relief from the symptoms of insomnia caused by menopause.