General Health
Risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis
A common condition, seborrheic dermatitis is a skin issue that is characterized by the development of scaly patches and dandruff-like red flakes on the scalp. While it usually is found to develop on the scalp area, however, it may also be seen on parts of the body that tend to get oily such as the eyelids, chest, ears, and nose. The condition is typically not very severe and may heal without any further need for treatment. However, in some cases, the condition can get worse and one will have to undergo treatment for the symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis can affect anybody, including infants and adults. The symptoms help in detecting the issue and the noticeable ones to look for include skin flakes or dandruff-like texture on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, and mustache, patches of greasy skin on the eyebrows, eyelids, ears, chest, armpits, groin area, red skin in the skin folds and immense itching. Depending on the season, the symptoms can get more severe. During winters or weather conditions, there may be more flare-ups. Risk factors There are several factors that contribute to the risk of seborrheic dermatitis. It may be related to the neurological and psychological condition of the individual.
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