Tips to help you cope with eating disorders
Among the many health disorders prevalent today, eating disorders are quite common. Eating disorders are a complex, dangerous condition which can arise due to multiple psychological, physical, and socio-economic reasons. Those who suffer from them often eat too much or too less, or have habits like purging, vomiting or having rigorous exercise schedules to lose weight. Such patients suffer from an unhealthy body image too, resulting in depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues; necessitating help to cope with them.
- Understand there is no ‘perfect’ body weight
The notion of a perfect weight, diet or body size is false and constructed by society. Trying to attain an ideal physique can only make one unhappy. Thus it is necessary to get rid of this notion as soon as possible. - Categorize food groups correctly
One of the best ways to prevent eating disorders is by avoiding categorizing foods. Many people tend to categorize food as good and bad. But in reality, there are no such categories, and everything is good in moderation. One must eat according to their body type and have a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. You can try and incorporate practices that will help in increasing your metabolism. An average amount of exercising and staying away from junk food is often enough to stay healthy and feel good. - Say no to comparison
Constant comparison, in general, is one habit which no one must have. Comparing your body weight and shape is even worse than judging others. While it is not always easy to stop the negative thoughts, one must seek help via a strong support system and actively try to engage their minds elsewhere. - Learn more about the triggers
Learning more about what is going on in your body is never going to harm anyone. Understand your triggers and avoid them. Attempt to keep yourself busy, and fix a routine. The structure helps one ward off the desire to just skip a meal, or do one more set of squats. - Stop blindly accepting things on social media
Not all the images and information that has been displayed on social media are real. It is important to try and make sure that you do not believe false ideas and images. You must accept only those ideas and images that seem practical and achievable. A lot of people have false ideas about slimness and weight loss. Ideas like body fat and weight gain seem like an indication of laziness to them. But there are a lot of reasons as to why one gains weight, and all factors need to be taken into consideration. - Reward yourself
No matter how big or small the goal that you have set, after achieving it you must reward yourself. Rewards act as positive reinforcement and enable you to work towards a goal.
Apart from consciously practicing tips like these, getting the required professional help from doctors and therapists, finding a support group, and opening up about these issues are important to help you stop letting an eating disorder get out of hand or recover from it.