Foods that Trigger Migraines

Foods that Trigger Migraines

Migraines are dull headaches that gradually increase in pain and are very unpleasant. Some migraines occur for hereditary or hormonal reasons, however, everyday things can trigger a migraine. Migraine triggers are the causes of migraines and can include lack of sleep, dehydration, medications, or even certain smells. Many are unaware that diet can contribute to frequent headaches.

Over the counter medications are available, however, avoiding certain foods, known as the migraine diet, can help avoid them altogether:

1. Avoid chocolate

While chocolate is great, especially for women going through hormonal changes during menstruation, is actually believed to be a migraine trigger. Nitric oxide, a byproduct of bacteria that latches onto nitrates contained in chocolate, can increase the probability of migraines. This is a normal process, however, since chocolate is often eaten in excess, the gut and mouth bacteria create more opportunities for a chemical reaction and intensifies the migraine, which can be very painful.

2. Caffeine and withdrawal

Coffee, especially for people who work long hours and need to stay alert, can easily be overconsumed. This can be tricky because while drinking a bit of coffee can cause headache relief, drinking too much caffeine can create a dependency. Once you stop drinking coffee, withdrawal symptoms can begin, which can cause a migraine. A healthy alternative to drinking coffee in the morning is to drink water as soon as you wake up.

3. Processed meat

Processed meats, including bacon, hot dogs, and lunch meats, should be avoided for people who suffer from migraines. Just like chocolate, the preservatives in processed meats contain nitrates, which can cause a chemical reaction once blood is dilated. If you cannot give up meat entirely, try searching for meats that are not heavily processed or artificially colored, as the preservative ingredients create a migraine.

4. Ice cream, cheese, and other dairy products

dairy, unless there is an intolerance, is something that most people love in one form or another. Most dairy products include tyramine, which occurs naturally, and is found in fermented foods. Aged cheeses should especially be avoided because the amount of tyramine increases over time as protein breaks down. When our bodies don’t produce enough of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, tyramine foods can trigger migraines with ease. Avoiding processed cheeses and dairy products can lower migraine frequency immensely.

5. Try an elimination diet

Research into the foods that can cause migraines hasn’t been completely confirmed by medical professionals, but the chemicals in certain foods can cause reactions once they enter our bodies. Depending on genetics and hormones, you can be more susceptible to migraines as well. An elimination diet is a great solution to figure out which foods can onset these headaches. By eliminating foods that usually come before migraines and slowly reintroducing them, you can figure out which foods trigger the migraines and regulate symptoms easier. As hard as it is to cut out our favorite foods, like chocolate, cheese, and that fancy glass of wine we like after a long day, it may be what gives us relief. Well, maybe enjoy one glass.