Effective Natural Lawn Care

Effective Natural Lawn Care

Summer is here and it’s time for a greener and healthier lawn. Nothing gives you satisfaction like looking out your window at perfectly green and healthy grass. You feel a sense of pride when your lawn looks its best. It also will make you the envy of everyone in your neighborhood. Using these tips for your lawn will ensure not only a better-looking lawn for your family and friends but also a healthier space where you can literally breathe easier. Now organic and natural lawn care is right at your fingertips!

Here are some additional no-chemical lawn care tips:

1. Sun is food
Remember, the sun is food. If the grass does not shade over the weeds, the weeds grow and shade the grass so the Sun is good for your lawn. Also, the shade of taller grass will prevent light from reaching most weeds and also destroy the new baby weeds such as dandelions. 

2. Feed your lawn
To feed your lawn, leave your clippings on the lawn when you cut it as this will help to promote growth while adding nutrients back to the soil. You can also invest in Epsom salt and ammonia. Add equal parts of all with water. The Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfur, which is necessary for chlorophyll production and the sulfur helps with photosynthesis. The ammonia will enrich the hydrogen and nitrogen within the soil to help grow thicker and greener. The recipe of the two is recommended to be spread over 200 square feet of grass to start. 

3. Mowing
Set your mower to the highest setting and mow for the following reasons:

  • Provides more shade.
  • Provides a secure turf and prevent more weeds from growing.
  • The roots will grow deeper and require less watering.
  • Slower growth leads to less frequency of mowing.
  • Do not mow when the sun is at its highest point.

4. Don’t water so frequently
When you water too much you can wash away soil nutrients. Watering less before the roots of the grass to go deep into the soil, and the soil will be more fertile 

5. Establish healthy pH
If you are interested in naturally green lawn care you can start by getting the pH level of your soil tested. You can do this by buying a pH test kit for around $15 or send it to a professional if you want to spend the extra money. The proper levels of ph should start at about 6.0 and not go over 7. Then invest in good quality topsoil without any added chemicals.