Diet tips for patients of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is an ailment which affects the nerves in the brain leading them to gradually die. Common effects of the condition are shakes, rigid muscles, changes in speech and movement, impaired balance and so on. It is a progressively debilitating neurological disorder that has no cure. However, certain medications, therapies as well as some changes in the diet can help one manage the symptoms.
Diet tips for Parkinson’s disease
There is no strict diet for patients who have Parkinson’s disease. However, this ailment makes one’s movements clumsy or hard to control, thus making it tougher for them to eat well. One needs to have wholesome foods so that they can maintain their strength to ensure that the Parkinson’s medicines work optimally and produce the desired results.
It is very likely for patients with Parkinson’s disease to become underweight, have concerns related to digesting and passing stool, and feel nauseated mostly because of the high doses of medicines. Though a doctor can guide one the best on a diet plan, there are a few tips too that can help an individual suffering from Parkinson’s.
• Ensure that the diet consists of the necessary minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins; as these will give the energy required to pull through the treatment phase.
• Make meals well-rounded with an assortment of foods from different food categories of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lean meats.
• Take vitamin supplements if believed to be necessary. Nuts are good too, but remember to check with the doctor, as he/she will be the best person to guide one on which supplement should be taken.
• Limit the intake of sugar. A diet which consists of too much sugar in the form of packed juices and sweet items contain too many calories. Moreover, they are of zero nutritional value and are tough to digest also.
• Cut down on salt and consumption of sodium. These directly affect one’s blood pressure, which is a cause of concern for patients who have Parkinson’s disease. It is advisable to use minimal salt in cooked foods. One must stop consuming raw salt, and also avoid processed meat like bacon, and hams as they contain a lot of sodium.
• One should choose foods which have a lesser amount of fat and cholesterol like lean meats, olive oil, fishes high in omega 3 acids etc. To mitigate the chances of heart attack, one will have to ensure that they cut down on foods which have too much fat or cholesterol.
• Try to avoid alcohol or control its intake as they have no benefits. Studies have also found that increased consumption of alcohol can damage the nerve tissues. So, if one is suffering from a nerve disease like Parkinson’s, why take the risk of decreasing the chances of a healthy life by consuming something with zero nutritional value?
• Maintaining the BMI (i.e., Body Mass Index) and keeping one’s weight in the permissible range for their height and age is essential. Exercise is good for anyone, and if one feels they are putting on that extra mass, it is best for them to exercise.
• Increase the consumption of fibrous foods. Foods like broccoli, peas, corns, kidney beans, apples, whole-wheat bread, cereals, sprouts, and pasta are rich in fiber. So, it is advised to increase the portions of these in one’s diet.
• One needs to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
One can also consult their doctor to find out what other tips can help them cope with Parkinson’s symptoms and delay the progress of the disease.